Auto Provisioning VoIP Phones for Contact Center ACD

Unlike a standard telephone, voice over IP (VoIP) phones require special configurations to connect to the telephony server across your network. These settings can either be entered manually, or through a process called auto provisioning. Auto provisioning provides a central location for all the phone to access the configuration files necessary for them to register to your local telephony server, whether the server is on premise or in the cloud. This adds to ease of administration and reduces the overall cost of maintaining mission critical infrastructure for an Asterisk based call center.

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Call Survival and Contact Center ACD

The rapid pace of innovation in Voice over IP (VoIP) technology and telephony software has been a blessing to contact centers around the world and has spurred a surge in deployment. The advantages of fully featured applications and low costs have been offset by the possibilities of service interruptions. The US patented Q-Suite Call Survival feature allows deployment of Asterisk based contact center ACD in a mission-critical and high value environment. Continue reading “Call Survival and Contact Center ACD”

Housing a Contact Center ACD on a Hosted Platform

As mentioned in a prior post about softphones, cutting the initial startup costs of a contact center can be a crucial step in getting your operation off the ground. While some may find it favourable to buy, maintain, and store their own server hardware in a nearby location or even on site, this might not always be possible due to the relatively enormous costs of purchasing and housing said hardware. This is where hosted platforms come into play. Continue reading “Housing a Contact Center ACD on a Hosted Platform”

Softphones for Contact Center ACD

In the ever-evolving realm of contact centers, minimizing startup and operating costs should be high on the list of items that a center should want to accomplish. There are numerous way to go about this, such as buying used office chairs instead of new ones, but if you are looking to cut costs without sacrificing functionality, using softphones instead of physical phones can be a good start. Continue reading “Softphones for Contact Center ACD”

Contact Center ACD + Zendesk = An enhanced Customer Service platform

Contact center ACDs are still a highly desirable method of allowing customers to connect and interact with customer service representatives (CSRs). Web-based ticketing systems are also a convenient method to keep track of any types of communication that may occur between customers and CSRs. The blending of Indosoft’s Q-Suite with Zendesk makes for a perfect combination of a fully featured contact center with a cloud-based issue tracking system. Continue reading “Contact Center ACD + Zendesk = An enhanced Customer Service platform”

Smooth and Flexible Script Building for Call Center ACD using TinyMCE

Script building can be a long, cumbersome, tedious process for contact center ACD administrators. While some agent scripts might be limited to a few pages with only a few components per page, other scripts may be dozens of pages with dozens of components contained within each page. As the length of the script grows and the number of components increases, the person responsible for building the scripts may begin to lose interest, which could lead to errors in the script, causing an increase in the troubleshooting and validation periods for any type of QA that may be performed prior to rolling out a campaign into production. With the integration of TinyMCE into the Q-Suite’s powerful script builder, the monotony of the script building process should be vastly alleviated. Continue reading “Smooth and Flexible Script Building for Call Center ACD using TinyMCE”

Realtime Workforce Assignment for Contact Center ACD

When operating an inbound ACD contact center, it is quite often the goal of the center to minimize the amount of calls that fall outside of the specified service level agreements for their queues. Clients may lose faith in the center’s ability to handle the expected call volumes if these numbers are too high. Abandoned calls are not a desirable outcome either, as those calls get aborted in the IVR and never had the chance to get routed to an available CSR. In this situation, it is vital for managers to be able to reallocate CSRs to the appropriate queues. Continue reading “Realtime Workforce Assignment for Contact Center ACD”

Dynamic Script Switching for Customer Service Representatives

Here is a situation we have all encountered over the years. When dealing with service providers via their contact center ACD, whether it is a cable, internet, phone, or insurance company to name a few, we will offer our best description about our issue to the current customer service representative (CSR). Too many times we are presented with the outcome of needing to be transferred to someone else who can better handle this particular inquiry. Once on the line with the next CSR, we are then forced to reiterate the exact same scenario that we had explained to the first CSR. This is not how a caller wants to spend their time. Continue reading “Dynamic Script Switching for Customer Service Representatives”