Broken Knight: Consequences of Rushing into Production

Tuesday June 23rd was a huge day for people like me in the video game world. Batman: Arkham Knight was releasing and all of the reviews had been stellar. Reviews were glowing about how flawlessly the game ran and performed on the PS4, which made me incredibly happy as the PS4 is my platform of choice. However, the PC port of the game was a complete disaster. The game was so broken on PC that the publisher has stopped selling the PC version until it is fixed. That is quite a blow to all the PC players out there and puts a really ugly stamp on the game itself. The game itself had been delayed twice, and it appears that even with these delays, the PC version was still rushed into production. Continue reading “Broken Knight: Consequences of Rushing into Production”

Common Sense and the Contact Center ACD

Here are a quick hitters about common sense and the contact center ACD:

  • If you feel like you must use a virtual server, please don’t configure the virtual device to have more resources than the actual physical server. Just because it’s virtual doesn’t magically transform your 8GB physical server into three 32GB virtual devices.
  • Network latency is going to happen if you decide that routing calls from Manilla to Los Angeles to London to Manilla is a good idea. Just because it is VoIP does not mean that data all of sudden gets transmitted instantly, just like normal old internet traffic does not get transmitted instantly.
  • If your hosted platform gives you minimum and recommended specifications for your servers and you opt for the minimum, do not be surprised when certain services are not performing in a desired fashion. If you decide that an Asterisk server only needs the minimum requirements, which will handle X amount of calls, do not be shocked when X+1 calls will cause problems.
I would like to think that these are quite obvious, however, they appear not to be. We talked last week about how to avoid extinction for your contact center. Having common sense can go a long way in making sure that doesn’t happen.

Jurassic World opens this weekend! Avoiding Extinction in your Contact Center

It’s been a long long time since I’ve been this excited for a movie. I have fond memories of hitting the local theater back in 1993 and being awestruck for the entire experience. Even today, the top notch special effects in Jurassic Park hold up against recent films. That is quite a feat. However, dinosaurs had their time and extinction was their fate. How can you avoid this for your contact center? Continue reading “Jurassic World opens this weekend! Avoiding Extinction in your Contact Center”

Get All Agents on the Same Page: Use Scripts to Access Your Issue Tracking System

We’ve looked at Q-Suite’s script builder before and how easy and flexible it can be for creating agent scripts. While the script feature is typically used to build the proper flow for the agent-customer interaction, which may involve data gathering by the agent, it can be used in in different ways. Let’s explore how we can use the script builder to merge agent scripting and issue tracking on the same page. Continue reading “Get All Agents on the Same Page: Use Scripts to Access Your Issue Tracking System”

Progressing Through Destiny’s House of Wolves at My Own Pace: Take the Same Approach for Your Contact Center Leads

Destiny’s disc (I still like physical media for games if I can help it) has been the exclusive tenant of my PS4’s disc drive since launching on September 9th, 2014. I’ve been through the campaign, completed Nightfalls, the Vault of Glass, and Crota’s End many times. The latest expansion, House of Wolves, dropped May 19th, and I am completely enjoying my time there. I’m mostly a casual player, so I don’t get bent out of shape if I fail to reach the max level on my characters (I do have a 34 Hunter though) or I don’t get all the best gear as quickly as possible. I’ll get there at some point. However I’ve already seen threads and forum posts pop up from the hardcore players who have already maxed out all 3 characters and now they are asking the question ‘What else is left for me to do?’ This can apply to how your contact leads are dialed. Let’s have a look. Continue reading “Progressing Through Destiny’s House of Wolves at My Own Pace: Take the Same Approach for Your Contact Center Leads”

Make Your Call Center Technology Work For You

Your call center is constantly having to deal with new challenges. Your client decides things now have to be done this way or that. Regulations change and now you need to record your data differently. Or not record it at all. A new business opportunity springs out of nowhere, and you have to respond quickly to capitalize. When you’re handling change every day, it’s important to have a flexible call center system. Our Q-Suite software is such a system.

Continue reading “Make Your Call Center Technology Work For You”

Farewell David Letterman! Retiring (Your Leads) Can Be a Good Thing

David Letterman had a pretty spectacular career as a late night talk show host. He started his late night gig at NBC in 1982 and ended his storied career this week over on CBS. That’s 33 years of being on late night television. Impressive. However, sometimes you just have to call it quits and retire. Contact center leads can also be gracefully retired and there can be a few reasons as to why your contact center would want to follow this route. Continue reading “Farewell David Letterman! Retiring (Your Leads) Can Be a Good Thing”

Running the Beachfront Call Center

In 2004, we had a client with a call center in Northern New Brunswick.  For a dozen seats, he required thousands of dollars in telephony equipment, including the Pika board required to wire in the multiple incoming telephone channels, CTI server and a server to manage the leads and agent interaction. A few years later, and after a downturn in the economy, he was able to repurpose the equipment. He moved it to his basement, kept a few call center seats there, and used DSL to connect to a SIP provider. If he were to start today, he wouldn’t need the telephony card, the servers, and the wiring. He could start in his basement, using the Cloud,  and only move to an outside office when his growth demanded. Continue reading “Running the Beachfront Call Center”