Progressively Profitable Call Center – Outbound Dialing Part 4


Slow and steady wins the race. It’s not about the slow, it’s about the steady, really. Preview dialing can be slow. Predictive dialing can be a bit unpredictable at times. With progressive dialing, your agents are always doing something. Progressive is the default method most call center software uses to route calls to agents. A lead pops up on the screen at the same time it begins dialing. Becsteady progress can be profitable in the call centerause it is dialing on behalf of a specific agent, that agent does hear call progress. If the call is connected, the agent is there the moment the caller picks up. Continue reading “Progressively Profitable Call Center – Outbound Dialing Part 4”

Game of Thrones Episodes Leak! How to Prevent a Similar Event in your Contact Center

On the weekend the first four episodes of Game of Thrones Season 5 had been leaked on the web. It appears that the leaks were made by a person or group on HBO’s list of approved recipients. HBO is assessing the leak and will deal with it as they see fit. The task of avoiding spoilers for the four episodes is going to be fairly tough, I think, but if you’re a watcher of the series, I sincerely hope we can all stay spoiler-free. Continue reading “Game of Thrones Episodes Leak! How to Prevent a Similar Event in your Contact Center”

Apple Watch or Samsung Gear? Get More Mobile!

Smart watches and wearable technology aren’t entirely new, however I’m sure that there are millions of people eagerly awaiting the release date of the Apple Watch. The Samsung Gear has been in the wild for a bit already, but there’s always going to be that dividing line of Apple/non-Apple users, so now both sides will have options. How can we relate this to a call center? Continue reading “Apple Watch or Samsung Gear? Get More Mobile!”

Don’t Fumble The Handoff

A successful hand off is what makes warm leads so hot

Few things bother people more than having to repeat information they’ve already provided. It wastes their time, and they know it’s wasting the agent’s time, too. So why do call centers let this happen? It’s understandable if you’re calling into a PBX system and the call recipient can’t do a transfer correctly, but it’s something that can be avoided in the call center. Continue reading “Don’t Fumble The Handoff”

The Right Agent For the Job

Skills based routing in the call center ACD

What happens when an agent completely bungles an incoming call at your call center? This may be the caller’s first experience with your business. A well trained sales agent just isn’t going to be as effective if they’re getting calls from your “Tech Support 2” queue. Your techs may flub sales calls. Obviously you can’t just have calls ringing the phone of anybody who connects to the system.

This is the way simple PBX queues often work. Continue reading “The Right Agent For the Job”

The Power of Prediction – Outbound Dialing Part 3: Predictive Dialing

call center agents with predictive dialer

If your goal is to keep your call center as busy as possible, and you have plenty of leads, lines and agents, then predictive dialing may be right for you. Many people confuse predictive dialing with power dialing, but they are different. Power dialing is usually the straightforward dialing of X number of calls for every agent currently waiting for a call. It’s an unsophisticated approach that’s easy to implement, so it is widely available.
Continue reading “The Power of Prediction – Outbound Dialing Part 3: Predictive Dialing”

Your Call Center MVP

Your MVP has been a topic of discussion in startups and small business for a few years now. The phrase usually means “minimum viable product” – the smallest set of features and functionality that can get you off the ground and have customers buying your product. There’s an MVP for your call center as well. Continue reading “Your Call Center MVP”

Feature Highlight: Auto-Attendants

decision business analyze In the past we have covered the Q-Suite’s Visual Dialplan Builder with its ease of use and capabilities to handle any, from basic to very complex, requirements of an IVR. However, before the Q-Suite had the dialplan builder, we had the auto-attendant features, which allowed for a menu structure to provide the caller options to select and be sent within the system. One can argue the dialplan builder can do everything the auto-attendants can and I would not disagree. However, the auto-attendant configuration screens have been kept in the product due to their ease of use that allows anyone to have a multi-level menu system up and going within minutes. Continue reading “Feature Highlight: Auto-Attendants”