Useful Queue Control Features in the Dialplan Builder

Queues are the backbone of an inbound call center ACD. They are typically the primary destinations for your callers and customers, so you need to be sure that they are properly structured and implemented. Let’s have a look at a trio of dialplan components that can help you manage how and if callers get into your queues and what to do with them once that happens.

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10 Ways to Control Time in the Call Center ACD

Phones and time itself under your control

Shocking fact: Your callers don’t enjoy waiting to speak to an agent.

Sometimes it’s not the actual amount of time waiting, though. It’s the perception of time.

Everyone’s experienced the perception of time issue. You’re sitting in a meeting, and you look at the clock. After what seems like hours, you see it’s only been a few minutes. You get home from work. You finally have a chance to that thing you wanted to do. You start doing it, then after 10 minutes you look at the clock and an hour has passed. Continue reading “10 Ways to Control Time in the Call Center ACD”

If You Can’t Give Up When Your Caller Does

Hangup in the Visual IVR Builder

Sometimes your callers really mess things up for you.

You’ve spent hours building and tweaking and testing your Interactive Voice Response (IVR). Music on hold. Audio prompts. Web services to tie the call together with a contact in your CRM.

The visual IVR builder gives you plenty of options for collecting data, sending data, and routing calls. The drag-and-drop interface lets you get your IVR built fast so you can test and perfect it.

The built-in features are fantastic for collecting data about calls and updating your CRM. Or even letting your agents know a call came in. But, sometimes you need to guarantee that the information goes into your CRM.

Then the caller hangs up before that can happen.


Continue reading “If You Can’t Give Up When Your Caller Does”

The Command That Makes the Visual Dialplan Builder a 100% Solution

execute any command in the Visual Dialplan Builder

Having a tool that can do 100% of the most common cases and 90% of all cases is really great. However, there’s always going to be that 10% of cases that give you trouble.

When you’re using a product that sets clear limits on functionality to the most common cases, that’s fine. But, if you’re using a full-featured call centre suite, that last 10% definitely needs to be in. In the Indosoft Visual Dialplan Builder, it’s simple to construct a dialplan to meet most needs. Continue reading “The Command That Makes the Visual Dialplan Builder a 100% Solution”

How to Scale Asterisk Over Multiple Servers

Scaling your Asterisk PBX can be complicated. It’s hard to get more than one Asterisk server acting as a single PBX. A call comes in, and you want it to go where it’s supposed to go. But it takes a ridiculous amount of effort to get your installation to do what you want.

Take a look at the typical setup, where you have two Asterisk servers, with a trunk between them: Continue reading “How to Scale Asterisk Over Multiple Servers”

Sharing the Load

The history of the World Wide Web is the story of server-side versus client-side software. When things started to get going, the Web was largely a set of static files that were served up from the server. The browser displayed those files in as presentable manner as possible, but didn’t do any extra processing on its own that wasn’t part of the rendering process. Dynamic content was animated GIF files and the <blink> tag. Continue reading “Sharing the Load”

Tracking Your Dialplan the Easy Way

track your dialplan

You can have the most wonderful dialplan builder in the world. If you don’t know how many people are taking each branch, though, you don’t know your system well enough. You can guess that X number of people are choosing an option because that’s how many people hit your queue. Are you sure that you’re not losing people while they’re listening to your audio prompt? How many callers might go missing without being noticed? Continue reading “Tracking Your Dialplan the Easy Way”

Make Your Call Center Technology Work For You

Your call center is constantly having to deal with new challenges. Your client decides things now have to be done this way or that. Regulations change and now you need to record your data differently. Or not record it at all. A new business opportunity springs out of nowhere, and you have to respond quickly to capitalize. When you’re handling change every day, it’s important to have a flexible call center system. Our Q-Suite software is such a system.

Continue reading “Make Your Call Center Technology Work For You”

Feature Highlight: Conference Rooms

The common conference room, a necessity in today’s world with employees working from home, travelling, and distant customers. No product with PBX functionalities should be without one.

Lets take a look at the options for the conference rooms provided by the Q-Suite.

The options seen are:

  • Name – a Friendly name. If the room is used for a purpose, as our example is, then it’s best to name it after that. This will be the name seen elsewhere within the system.
  • Extension – the extension used for directly dialing it from an extension.
  • PBX Server – This is hidden if your system has a single PBX server. In the case where there is multiple this can be used to distribute load or in the case of a geo-diverse system ensure the conference is on the server closest to the majority of participants to ensure quality and limit bandwidth usage.
  • PIN – a numeric pin to secure the conference with.
  • Disable first member message – If checked this will not playback a message stating the first member is the only one in the conference.
  • Announce user count on join – If checked this will announce to the user how many users are already in the conference they are joining.
  • Play music on hold for single member – If checked this will play music on hold when the conference has a single user. Otherwise the user will only hear silence.
  • Music On Hold Class – what music on hold to play when it’s a single user conference and the above is checked.
  • Suppress enter/leave sound – If checked a user joining or leaving the conference will not trigger the tones to be played to all conference members.
  • Announce names on enter/leave – If checked each user joining will be prompted to record their name before they join. This recording will be used as the join or leave

With all of these options you can configure the conference rooms you needed. However to fully leverage conference rooms, or any single feature, the ability to combine and interlink them to suit your needs is required. Let’s take the example of a daily standup which needs a conference room for a few remote employees. It’s always starts at 8am and lasts about 30 minutes. One way to ensure outside callers do not use it outside of this hours is a pin but you can also mix it with the Routing Rules so the DID or IVR/Auto Attendant option is not configured to point directly to the conference room but to a routing rule first. This routing rule will only route callers there at 8am until 8:30, although I’d recommend 15 mins earlier at least to allow early callers in and maybe a bit longer depending if the meeting has a strict end time or not.  The routing rule can then send them to an auto attendant or elsewhere in the system if it’s outside of the hours — add multiple rules to allow different routing if it’s before to note they are to early, or if they are late to send them to a recording of the conference to hear what they missed.