Monthly Licensing Allows Flexibility on a Budget

When Indosoft first entered the telephony world, near the turn of the century, most of our deployments were small. Two-server predictive dialer or Do Not Call blockers ruled the day, and usually involved a lot of work to get integrated with the call center.  As a result, we had an inflexible pricing and payment policy, with the costs coming upfront.  Since those days, the IT and telephony world have undergone a dramatic change, as has our product line.  Over the last year Indosoft has experimented with monthly per-port pricing.  This option has been a hit with our clients, and is more frequently expected by new clients.  The widespread acceptance of on-demand pricing for hardware has led a push for on-demand pricing in other categories, and the software that runs on those servers is an ideal candidate. Continue reading “Monthly Licensing Allows Flexibility on a Budget”