One Big Mistake You May Be Making With Your IVR

Better audio, better dialplan

“The dialplan isn’t working!” Four words that increase your stress without telling you anything useful. In the last couple of weeks, though, I’ve heard it a couple of times. Both times it was the same cause, so I thought I’d tell you about it.

You can’t leave people hanging in an IVR (Interactive Voice Response). Silence is bad practice in writing dialplans, just like it’s bad in radio. But, it’s easy to miss some of the points where silence gets introduced. Continue reading “One Big Mistake You May Be Making With Your IVR”

VoIP – Bandwidth, Codec and Voice Quality

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) has established itself as a dominant force in telecommunications. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is the application layer for creating and controlling the calls and the voice is governed by RTP (Real Time Transport). When we are setting up a contact center or converting to VoIP, we want to know how to take advantage of the VoIP without getting into the pit falls of the technology.

Continue reading “VoIP – Bandwidth, Codec and Voice Quality”

.NET library integrates Call Center Software for Asterisk with Native Windows Client

As we call know, Microsoft Windows dominates the desktop world. When we built our call center software for Asterisk on Linux, we initially settled on Mozilla Firefox as the standard web browser for interface. As our product gained market acceptance, we realized that there were a lot of application written in native windows environment which are used within the realm of a call center application. We always had a socket interface API to our call center software Q-suite which we were able to wrap within an OCX interface. As a natural progression, we now have a .NET API to the call center software which is a ideal fit for the native Windows clients.

Continue reading “.NET library integrates Call Center Software for Asterisk with Native Windows Client”

iHost PBX is multi-tenant and scalable to multiple Asterisk servers

Paradigm shifts happen once in a while and telephony is no exception. The rapid evolution of technology resulting in internet and VoIP is changing the face of communications. One of the most significant paradigm shift in the realm of business phone system and call centers has been unleased by the coolest of hybrid IP-PBX, Asterisk. There is a worldwide abundance in the use of Asterisk for PBX and call center applications. This has generated a significant demand for applications. Continue reading “iHost PBX is multi-tenant and scalable to multiple Asterisk servers”

Asterisk based Inbound Call Centers for business communications

Asterisk is playing a dominant role in IP-based call centers. Intel processors have become less expensive and more powerful and a quad-core motherboard is able to offer over hundred concurrent calls with significant processing load from voice recording and transcoding. This has unleashed a powerful change with Asterisk based inbound call center solutions knocking at the last bastion of business phone systems based on closed proprietary ACD (automatic call distribution) technology from players and brands like Avaya, Cisco, ShoreTel, and Nortel Norstar and BCM. Continue reading “Asterisk based Inbound Call Centers for business communications”

Bonded T1 – Will it hurt TDM PRI board sales?

I notice a trend with businesses using Asterisk PBX. They are starting to opt for exclusive bonded T1 from their ISPs (or IPSPs) with SIP terminations for voice. This is in conjunction with separate bandwidth for data. Being in the same back plane of the termination provider and captive bandwidth to the termination provider does help VoIP call quality. The price of the bonded T1 does not seem any cheaper than ISDN PRI T1. The bonded T1 approach to SIP trunking dispenses the use of Digium or Sangoma TDM boards. Will this trend pose a serious problem to the volume of board sales in future? I hope this is not the case. After all, these TDM boards are what made Asterisk shine in the early days.