SaaS and Cloud deployments – Important considerations for Managed Services

There are a variety of reasons why companies are considering a move to Cloud or SaaS (Software as a Service) based contact center setup. The foremost consideration is the flexibility in terms of capacity and call center location. This has a bearing on the cost of the setup and on-going management. There are other aspects like on-going access to more recent technology, better functional capabilities and reducing internal IT resources for on-going upkeep. Ultimately it is the total cost of ownership and the return on investment that decides if managed services is the right option for a contact center operation. Continue reading “SaaS and Cloud deployments – Important considerations for Managed Services”

Call Center Software for Cloud Infrastructure

There is growing company demand for services in the Cloud or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. It is driven by the lower start-up cost, on-demand growth and the availability of good quality infrastructure. More importantly, the shared service components lower the overall cost of technology management. Contact Centers are no exception and there is a growing demand for Cloud based contact center services driven by the availability of multi-tenant call center software.

Continue reading “Call Center Software for Cloud Infrastructure”