Two Features to Improve Your Queue Servicing

Callers don't like to wait in queue

Have you ever waited, on hold, for what seemed like hours, only to get hung up on? What kind of ACD system does that? What were those people thinking? Did you like it? Do you think your clients will? Let’s assume the answer is no. What can you do to prevent it?

It turns out that there are two numbers you can control which can help prevent this tragic waste of time: Continue reading “Two Features to Improve Your Queue Servicing”

One Number, One Big Problem

Where do you want your IVR to take the call

If you have one public toll free number you advertise broadly, you may have a problem. It’s something we’ve seen several times in the past. Giving the client one number to call solves their problem of deciding which number to call you at. The problem of taking that call and getting it to the right place now becomes yours. If you only ever have one type of call, then you can probably figure it out pretty quickly. Otherwise, you’re going to need help from your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) builder. Continue reading “One Number, One Big Problem”

The Right Agent For the Job

Skills based routing in the call center ACD

What happens when an agent completely bungles an incoming call at your call center? This may be the caller’s first experience with your business. A well trained sales agent just isn’t going to be as effective if they’re getting calls from your “Tech Support 2” queue. Your techs may flub sales calls. Obviously you can’t just have calls ringing the phone of anybody who connects to the system.

This is the way simple PBX queues often work. Continue reading “The Right Agent For the Job”

Thousands helping Millions, Helping Your Federated Call Center Deployment

Thousands of volunteer experts have worked on Asterisk since 1999. This has made it into a powerhouse platform for telephony that you can use in your own system. Today it is a proven technology used by millions of users. Call centers and major PBX users are abandoning their legacy proprietary telephone switches to get the benefits offered by this Open-Source system. Continue reading “Thousands helping Millions, Helping Your Federated Call Center Deployment”

Save Money, Do More With Asterisk-based Call Center Software

You can no longer doubt that Asterisk is here to stay in the telecommunications world. Over the last decade, the rate of adoption has been skyrocketing. Call centers are no longer complaining about Asterisk-based solutions, or worrying about having to have an Asterisk expert on-hand. With Asterisk providing a platform for contact center ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) solutions to sit on, you can transition from a legacy system to one built on readily available and mature software. Continue reading “Save Money, Do More With Asterisk-based Call Center Software”

Five Keys To Dialing Your Leads Effectively

Correct lead queuing strategy

You can have a great dialer, a wonderful staff, and effective management, but if your lead queuing strategy is wrong, your outbound campaign is going to fail. Great agents can’t sell to people who aren’t home. The best product for working couples isn’t likely to be sold from 9-5. Your restaurant supply company isn’t going to close any sales between 11am and 1pm local time, when the restaurants in question are struggling to handle the lunch crowd. Continue reading “Five Keys To Dialing Your Leads Effectively”

Let It Flow: Customizing Your Call Center Software Part 1- Customizing Your Call Flow

A big driver of the adoption of Asterisk is the flexibility it brings. It has been called the Swiss Army Knife of telephony with good reason. As a result, there are a number of things that one can do to utilize that flexibility and add a bit of customization to their Asterisk-based call center software. In most cases, the actual amount of modification done is pretty small, but it’s always nice to know the ability exists if needed.
Continue reading “Let It Flow: Customizing Your Call Center Software Part 1- Customizing Your Call Flow”

Trunk Selection and Cost Control – Simple Least Cost Routing

A priority for any new call center installation, once calls are being successfully dialed, is making those calls at the lowest cost.  Trunk usage charges are a very visible number, and a tempting target for savings.  It is vital that call center software offer a means of ensuring that calls get dialed in an economical manner.  An Asterisk Cloud-based call center should be no different. Continue reading “Trunk Selection and Cost Control – Simple Least Cost Routing”

Maximizing Call Center Software Performance With Load Balancing

When adding capacity to an Asterisk-based ACD (Automatic Call Distributor) system, the desire is to increase the throughput of the system in a linear fashion.  Choosing call center software that allows the addition of servers to increase capacity is an essential step.  However, one must take certain steps to ensure that individual servers don’t become a choke point for performance.  This is where load balancing comes in. Continue reading “Maximizing Call Center Software Performance With Load Balancing”