Taking advantage of New Technologies to realize healthy ROI on contact centers

Technological changes have dramatically impacted the cost of doing business in the call center industry. The World Wide Web (WWW) and Internet Protocol (IP), evolution of next generation call center software, as well as advances in hardware and open source development, have unleashed unparalleled change that has significantly altered the industry. The importance of contact centers industry have grown due to global e-commerce. The sophistication and capabilities of the contact center technology platform have increased exponentially, while the cost per seat has gone down annually.

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Call center migration to Asterisk

Unification of data, voice and other forms of media in communications has generated a push to IP telephony. We all recognize that TDM is mature and reliable, but it is gradually giving way to IP telephony. This is largely due to the flexibility that comes from using IP (Internet Protocol) networks. When it comes to acquiring a new technology platform, folks in the contact center industry understand the importance of acquiring call center ACD to improve immediate and near-term productivity. Equally important considerations are the changes happening in the technology world which will have serious impacts on the economics of the call center.

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