The Right Agent For the Job

Skills based routing in the call center ACD

What happens when an agent completely bungles an incoming call at your call center? This may be the caller’s first experience with your business. A well trained sales agent just isn’t going to be as effective if they’re getting calls from your “Tech Support 2” queue. Your techs may flub sales calls. Obviously you can’t just have calls ringing the phone of anybody who connects to the system.

This is the way simple PBX queues often work. Continue reading “The Right Agent For the Job”

Thousands helping Millions, Helping Your Federated Call Center Deployment

Thousands of volunteer experts have worked on Asterisk since 1999. This has made it into a powerhouse platform for telephony that you can use in your own system. Today it is a proven technology used by millions of users. Call centers and major PBX users are abandoning their legacy proprietary telephone switches to get the benefits offered by this Open-Source system. Continue reading “Thousands helping Millions, Helping Your Federated Call Center Deployment”

Populating Client Information – Part 3: Getting the Data Back Out

Data that can’t be extracted or reported is worth less than data that can be reported. In “Populating Client Information to Agents In Your ACD” Part 1 and Part 2 discussed getting data into the system and to agents. Once the agent has gotten their hands on it, there can be updates, changes or even new data that needs to be reported back. Details about the call usually also falls under the rubric of exportable/reportable data.
Continue reading “Populating Client Information – Part 3: Getting the Data Back Out”

Number management in Multi-tenant call center software

In any multi-tenant call center software, tenants must be able to create, assign and configure their DIDs (Direct Inward Dial) in order to be able to receive calls and direct them appropriately. The DID itself is a convenient way to determine which way a call should be directed; to an IVR, for example, or a specific PBX extension. Software like the Indosoft Q-Suite can be configured to use a DID and a schedule to determine how and when a call should be directed, with the ability to specify a dialplan and queue during operational hours and an after hours dialplan for when the call center ACD is closed. Continue reading “Number management in Multi-tenant call center software”

Populating Client Information to Agents in Your ACD – Part 1

One of the major purposes of many inbound call centers is customer care.  Clients may call with technical issues, be updating their orders, or enquiring about new services. In this case, it’s obviously important to ensure that the agent handling the call have as much information as possible about the caller. The question becomes how do you get those details into your call center software and in front of agents?
Continue reading “Populating Client Information to Agents in Your ACD – Part 1”

Trust, But Verify: Simple Steps to Finding Your IVR Issues

The call came first thing in the morning.  Agents were logged in, callers could dial in, but callers were not getting connected to agents.  A foundational tenet of skills-based call routing is that calls get routed to agents, so the team leapt into action.  As support techs logged in and began gathering PCAPs (Packet Captures) and poring over logs to discover the cause, we also began test calls into their IVR (Interactive Voice Response). Continue reading “Trust, But Verify: Simple Steps to Finding Your IVR Issues”