Buy or Rent? Finance or Lease? The Contact Center Edition

Buy Or Rent ConceptI have a scenario approaching quickly with regards to this topic. My previous two vehicles were leased. My third was financed, with the end date of the loan coming up, which means no more direct vehicle payments. This end goal was very appealing to me, hence the purchasing of the most recent vehicle as opposed to leasing it. Maintenance costs are going to crop up, but those are unavoidable. I did truly like the convenience of having a leased car, mostly because if anything at all went awry in the lifetime of the lease, the dealer covered almost any and all expenses. This is not the case with owning of course. This leads me to the actual topic here: Should I lease my contact center or should I buy it?

I would say the two major points of concern are the following:

  • How much capital do you have to allocate up front?
  • How qualified is your team in regards to maintaining your equipment?

If your answers are “A sufficient amount” and “Very qualified”, you could be better off purchasing all of the necessary hardware and housing said hardware in a location handy to your center itself, possibly even on-site.

If your answers are “We’d like to keep the upfront costs down” and “We’d rather not be responsible for thousands of dollars worth of servers”, you would be a prime candidate for monthly usage licensing where your center’s hardware is based in the cloud via a hosted platform.

Either solution can be correct. Renting an apartment is a perfect solution for some people, whereas buying a house is ideal for a different set of people. Whatever route you choose to take, we’ll be around to make your center’s operation as smooth as possible.