Four Keys to Getting Accurate Dispositions

Some agents are meticulous about choosing the right disposition code for a call. Some aren’t so choosy, and will click the first thing that lets them finish the call. Assuming you have a way to train those latter agents, you do want to make it easier for the former agents to pick the right disposition without having to spend too much time focussing on the options.

1) The first key to ensuring agents press the right button is to make sure that the labels are clear. As we’ve discussed before, it’s asking for trouble if your agents don’t understand what the label is supposed to mean. Sometimes dispositions like HHD5 and R49B can make sense. Other times, they’re really confusing to agents. Spend a few minutes thinking about it. Using a few extra characters can make a big difference if it means agents get it right.

2) The second key is to make sure the buttons stand out from each other. If half of your dispositions begin with the word “Call”, maybe remove it if the disposition still makes sense. Scanning down a list of options that all start with the first four characters is going to slow the agent down as they spend time reading all the buttons.

3) The third key is button placement. Look at where your buttons are placed in relation to where the agent is working on the screen. You don’t want your options such as “Sale” or “Do Not Call” in what may be a default position. Placing the dispositions in the script itself, where you can incorporate them into the agent’s workflow directly, may be the best option.

4) Finally, if you’re still having issues with the wrong dispositions being pressed, you can always throw a button in there that should not be pressed. History shows that in some cases, labelling a button “Do Not Press” will still generate button presses. You can then follow up with agents to find out why they thought it was necessary to press it. Maybe you missed a disposition. Maybe the agent doesn’t understand how their case is actually handled by another button they could have chosen. Getting the button up and following up may be the best way to find out.