Jurassic World opens this weekend! Avoiding Extinction in your Contact Center

It’s been a long long time since I’ve been this excited for a movie. I have fond memories of hitting the local theater back in 1993 and being awestruck for the entire experience. Even today, the top notch special effects in Jurassic Park hold up against recent films. That is quite a feat. However, dinosaurs had their time and extinction was their fate. How can you avoid this for your contact center?

In your contact center ACD, hardware is truly going to be the main factor here. Servers and workstations are going to be required to run your contact center, so it’s highly recommended to overcompensate on the hardware resources. Sure that $250 computer at Best Buy might have the minimum required specifications to run the necessary software for an agent station, but that machine might be completely tapped out in a month or two, and you may need to upgrade which can result in downtime.

The same type of thinking can be applied to your servers as well, since they will be handling the bulk of the contact center ACD’s processing power. Disk space and RAM are fairly inexpensive today, so go for 32GB of RAM instead of 16GB. Get that 2TB hard drive in favor of a 500GB drive. Not having enough free memory and disk space can cripple a contact center. If actual hardware isn’t a preferred option, have a hosted platform do all the heavy lifting for you in this regard. It may save you some money up front as well.

Redundancy is also a great option for ensuring that your contact center can survive a catastrophic failure at a single location. A common configuration would be to have on-site hardware with a duplicate set of backups in the cloud that will spring into action if and when a local disruption occurs, such as a hardware failure on the database server.

Planning ahead can be a key component into the survivability of your contact center. Don’t go the way of the dodo or our dinosaur friends and find yourself extinct.