Campaign Controls in the Q-Suite

The Q-Suite has a number of incredibly useful campaign controls that are available to the tenant administrator and/or the appropriately privileged user. Prior versions, before 5.7 to be specific, had most of these features spread across multiple pages in the administration portal. These can now be accessed on a single page based on the desired campaign. Let’s outline the controls and their uses.

  • Start/Stop the Campaign – This function tells the system to start or stop the campaign. In certain situations, campaigns will be created in advance of the rollout date, so in these instances, you definitely do not want any kind of activity to take place for the campaign, so it would be wise to stop it. New campaigns are stopped by default to prevent these mishaps. Starting a campaign simply tells the Q-Suite that any and all activity for the campaign is good to go. Examples could be allowing the assigned DIDs to be callable for an inbound campaign or for assigned leads to be queued for an outbound campaign.
  • Reload the Campaign – Reloading a campaign will tell the Q-Suite to set any currently loaded leads for the campaign to the proper state in order to be called as soon as possible. Depending on the status of the system’s queueing mechanism, this can also be used as sort of a explicit reminder that you want to be calling on this campaign now.
  • Reload the Campaign and Wait – This is the same operation as Reload the Campaign, however, this function will hold the proper sockets open until the reload process has completed.
  • Flush the Campaign – Flushing is the action that removes all previously queued outbound leads from the campaign, while preserving the previous disposition of the lead. The major use of this feature is to remove the prior day’s leftover or stale leads from the actively loaded list of leads for the campaign. Flushing allows the queue to start fresh and will load leads as desired based on the lead query.
  • Dequeue Non-Callable Leads – This operation checks the currently queued list of leads for the campaign and dequeues any of those leads that have the callable flag set to 0 or that have a time zone that resides outside of the legal calling period.
  • Fix Lead Time Zone Information – There can be scenarios where outbound leads are created or inserted into the system, without locales or time zones associated to the leads. This can cause dialing issues, especially if your callable leads span multiple time zones. Dialing too early or too late can cause fines to be issued to the center, so it is quite important to ensure that your leads are dialed only in allowable calling periods. This function will leverage the database to retrieve the proper rules for locales and time zones and will write those updates to the leads associated to the campaign.

Integrating these useful campaign features into a single portal page significantly decreases the amount of time spent managing campaigns. It’s a fairly easy solution in order to help improve the productivity of the administrators and the center as a whole.