Using Q-Suite’s Call Monitoring Features to monitor Call Center Representatives to improve Customer Satisfaction and First Call Resolution

Call Monitoring features are a must for any call center.   Call Monitoring has many uses with in a business ranging from employee training to  quality assurance and complaint investigation.

How is Call Monitoring useful for training new customer service representatives?

Training new employees is an expensive venture in any industry.  The goal is to give your employees the knowledge and skills they need to get the job done right. As part of the training before your reps get on the phones with live calls,   new customer service representatives can listen in on calls made by veteran reps.  This part of the rep training could be a mixture of pre-selected call recordings that  high light the best and worst calls with a play by play run down of how the call played out and what was done right and wrong.

When the representative is ready to being training on the phones, the rep should be logged into a test campaign where the trainers are calling in to the agents and role-playing the part of a customer.  During this phase of the training the trainer should be correcting the reps on how they are delivering the script, their tone, headset volumes, mic placement and how they deal with needs and concerns of the callers.  This calls can be recorded of course so that you can QA your training process at any time.  Let’s face it, if someone is not doing QA on the training process, your customers will feel the effects of that.

Once the reps have graduated to the point of handling live calls, agents and trainers can be paired with 1 to 1 together.  During these calls the rep would be coached in ‘Whisper’ mode where the agent can hear the trainer but the call would not be able to the trainer.  The trainer can give the reps tips in realtime with out the caller hearing this and this allows the agents to build experience and confidence quickly.  If you are training a larger group, you might want to have the portions of the group listening in on these live calls.


Real-Time Monitoring vs Call Recording

Real-time call monitoring differs from call recordings in that call monitoring allows supervisors to coach agents in realtime and to jump into the call at any time to assist the agent before  the call requires an escalation.

Call recording on the other hand can be viewed as more valuable from some aspects such as legal and QA processes.  Typically, if your QA team is not randomly sampling calls looking for possible opportunities for improvements, they will be homing in on problem areas where customer service representatives need help. This workflow can be done by the QA team long after the call has ended but for maximum gains, the QA team should be listening to newer recordings.

Indosoft’s Q-Suite has an array of tools for a Call Center Managers to improve the customer satisfaction metrics.   Listening in to calls between the Call Center Representatives and the callers is just one of the neat things that can be done with a modern Call Center solution.  Finding the archived recordings is particularly important when dealing with complaints that may have happened weeks or months in the past.