Contact Center Software Integration With Sangoma Lyra

There has been a decided shift in the last decade from outbound predictive dialing or auto dialing to dialing warm leads and handling inbound calls.  A call center software suite like Q-Suite is designed to accommodate all of these, allowing a smooth transition in the call center from one type of dialing to another.  For a segment of the industry, however, mass dialing is still a required part of the business.  In these cases, Answering Machine Detection (AMD) can be a key part of making mass dialing worthwhile.  A properly tuned AMD system can be the saving grace in such a campaign.  For this reason, many dialers have incorporated AMD as part of their system.  Q-Suite allows per-campaign settings of Asterisk AMD to allow maximum performance.

The overall accuracy of AMD is good, but there is room for improvement.  Sangoma, a long-time innovator in telephony products, developed Lyra with the end result of improving the results achieved via AMD.  With their patent-pending technology and an eye to use with Asterisk, Open Source solutions and integrators can benefit from the advances made in this product.  Regulations on dropped and nuisance calls when mass dialing leads sometimes leave little leeway for errors in detection, and Lyra attempts to close this gap.  Using adaptive methods to recognize machines versus human answerers, the increase in accuracy can result in a large increase in productivity when agents are no longer connected to as many machines, and also results in an improvement in compliance metrics.

Thanks to increasing customer demand for integration of Lyra with Asterisk-based call center software, Indosoft has developed Lyra integration into Q-Suite.  This offers clients the choice of using a solid, free AMD option with Asterisk, as well as the ability to select a very impressive product in Lyra when they require it.