Migrating Tenant Components in Q-Suite 6

A dichotomy we have observed with the Q-Suite, but one that is certainly not limited to our clients, is that for any complex feature we introduce some clients will ignore (or at least use it to the minimum and never touch it again), while others spend man-months of effort pushing the limits of capability to leverage it to the maximum.  

In most cases, clients can work to their heart’s content, and nothing more need to be done.  However, in the case of a multi-tenant system, or in a Quality Assurance (QA) & production environment, it may be necessary to build and test agent scripts via the Script Builder, or advanced IVRs with the Visual Dialplan Builder, then deploy the same onto production after testing in QA.  Migrating a growing tenant from a multi-tenant environment to one with more room to go is also a concern.

This need was built into the very structure of our upcoming Q-Suite 6.  The ability to deploy scripts and dialplans that have been tested allows for a  workflow that doesn’t require testing and duplication on the production server.  The ability to migrate Music on Hold classes, audio prompts, and other tenant-specific items from one server to another allows sharing of resources between tenants when circumstances allow, and migration away from the shared environment when needed.  This allows for cost savings in manpower and resources, preventing unnecessary duplication of effort and infrastructure.