Delivering more performance at lower cost with Asterisk based ContactCenters

Contact Centers are the backbone of modern web driven commerce. They handle more and more complex transactions from multiple channels and are expected to deliver higher performance at lower cost. Modern contact centers are being stretched with technology demands that require them to handle multiple channels like Voice, E-Mail, Chat and Social Media seamlessly. The economic pressures to lower cost of operation and increase productivity is ever increasing. This presents a game changing opportunity to introduce an Asterisk based contact center platform, take advantage of its incredibly flexible next generation architecture and increase performance and lower overall cost.


Social Media convergence, CRM integration and Multi-channel communications require a flexible telephony platform with a contact center software that can grow on-demand. It is more important than ever not to get locked into proprietary platforms that will result in huge costs to accommodate this changing industry. Asterisk based contact center technology and software presents an incredible opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and lower the overall cost of acquisition and operation of contact centers.


Call center software for Asterisk can effectively compete and excel on features and performance with all the leading and high priced platforms. Asterisk as a PBX can offer a lot more than any other equivalent system. With an open source technology stack comprising of Linux, Asterisk, MySQL and Apache, you have the most powerful backbone for a contact center. With the availability of call center software like Q-Suite offering advanced feature-set, redundancy and scaling, building out a sophisticated Asterisk based contact center is extremely cost-effective. Such a platform with advanced ACD and Dialer software will offer all the next generation features for a multi-channel contact center. It will also allow the flexibility of keeping the infrastructure in-house or move it to a Cloud and Distributed setup.


Asterisk based contact centers are bringing a permanent shift in the technology stack for call centers.